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Julianne Hough’s new music video for her single “Is That So Wrong,” has been banned from the CMT lineup, and you can’t find it on YouTube either. Why it’s been banned is under debate however; Babble reports that CMT says it’s due to a contract issue, and Hough says it’s because it’s too sexy. We have a video below that shows the making of the her music video, and toward the end you see the controversial scene where she strips off her shirt, revealing her bra, and does some nice gymnastics on the bed.

To start with, my jaw dropped at that twirl she did while taking off her shirt. Holy moly, that was an amazing dance move! I can’t even imagine how hard it was to master that move! As for the rest of it…I don’t see anything too racy for cable television, not even the country music channel! What do you think?

Launching into the song, Hough's infectious, sugary voice (powerful as long as she doesn't try to hit any super-high notes) made a good case for her attempt to reboot her singing career. After some success with her debut self-titled album in 2008, which hit No. 1 on the Billboard country charts, and a holiday album soon after, there has been pretty much - literally - radio silence.

Except, of course, she's in movies now, and there's that tabloidtastic relationship with Seacrest.

"A lot of people have seen my relationships very publicly lately," Hough cooed to the crowd, letting the concept of "Ryan Seacrest" hang in the air. Then she turned serious. "But I don't think people know who I really am," she declared before belting out the slow song "Wildfire."

Still a dancer at heart, Hough shimmied her way through the set, which included "My Hallelujah Song," "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" and Sarah Buxton's "Love Is a Trip." She took breaks from the microphone to wriggle around and dance next to her lone backup guitar player. Although billed as the main event, Hough got roughly the same amount of stage time as the two opening acts, Ashley Gearing and Craig Campbell. But there may have been a reason for it - even Hough admitted that her music library isn't extensive.


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